Building Spiritual Foundations

We believe that it's our responsibility to come alongside families-partnering with parents to disciple their kids and to form a strong spiritual foundation at every age. We do this by making sure that church is a fun, creative, and safe place where kids want to be as they begin building their lives on Jesus.

Our heart is that every child who comes to this rock will leave with an understanding of Jesus and His love for them.

Matt Dudley
Kids Ministry Coordinator

Sunday Mornings

If this is your first time visiting, we are so excited to meet your child and welcome your family! Our highest priority is the physical and spiritual care of your children.

  • Volunteers are required to be a member of the church for a period of six months and must pass a detailed background check before serving in Kids Ministry at This Rock.
  • On Sundays the foot traffic through the Kids Ministry area is limited to parents and staff only.
  • We keep our child-to-volunteer ratio very low in order to ensure that each child can learn about Jesus in a safe environment.

What to Expect

You can check in at the Kids' First Time Check-In desk located in the lobby, where one of our leaders will be waiting to show you around and introduce you to your kids' teachers. Questions? Email us at

Email Us

Building Faith is Fun!

As kids begin to form their first impressions of who Jesus is, we make it fun! We teach them Biblical truths in a way that engages their minds and sets them on a path to Jesus.

3 Years - 5th Grade

We guide grade schoolers through Scripture in a way that is age appropriate and fun for them. Through engaging Bible lessons and interactive activities, kids are encouraged to make friends, know Jesus, and begin building their own relationship with Jesus.

Birth - 2 Years

In the earliest years, babies and toddlers need to know that they are safe, loved, and secure. We introduce our little ones to the love of Jesus by meeting their needs, praying for them, and engaging with them in a safe and fun environment.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6